Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Tiyatro- Waiting for Godot

20 Mart Cumartesi.
Utkan bugun Guildford'a geldi. Benim pesi sira Londra gezilerimden sonra, Utkan da Guildford'i merak etmis olacak. Tren istasyonunu begenmedi, ama sehri orta seker sevdi galiba. North Street'te asagidan yukariya, High Street'te yukardan asagiya, tekrar yukariya... Aradaki ince dar yollardan da gectik tabi ki. Internet kafeye girdik, acaba beraber eve cikabilir miyiz sorunsalina cevap bulamadik, 2 saatlik arayis sonrasi. Utkan, pazar gunu Blackpool'da bir fuara gitmek isteyince o aksam Londra'ya geri dondu. Ben de pesine takildim :) Cumartesi aksami haliyle, Londra yapayim dedim.

Aklimda tiyatro'ya gitmek vardi. Neresi oldugunu da biliyorum. Royal Haymarket Theatre, Piccadilly'de. Aksam 7'de vardim, 7:30'da seans varmis, sans iste. Hemen 16pound'luk en ucuz kisimdan bileti aldim, gisedeki eleman bir kiyak yapti, ayni fiyata cok daha iyi bir yer buldu, sevindim.

Tiyatronun ismi: Waiting for Godot
Oynayan: Ian McKellen,

Tiyatro cok kucuk geldi bana, ve eski idi, ama cok da guzel dekoru vardi. Tunelimsi koridorlardan gectikten sonra Royal Circle denen orta kabinede yerimi buldum. Arka siralardan Fransizca konusan insanlarin sesleri, yanimda oturanlarin henuz cok iyi anlayamadigim bir Ingiliz agzi, tabi hangi yoreye ait bilemedim.

Sahneye 6-8 metre kadar uzaktayim, dusundugumden cok cok yakindayim. Inanilmaz heyecanliyim, cunku birazdan Yuzuklerin Efendisi'nin Gandalf'i, X-Men'in Magneto'sunu canli izliyor olacagim. Ve oyun basliyor. Ian McKellen karsimda... Toplam 4 oyuncu var, hepsi de olaganustu oynuyorlar. yaklasik 1 saatlik iki bolumden olusuyor. 1 saat boyunca sahnedeler, yani gidip geri geldikleri olmuyor. Soyleyecekleri onca cumleyi, yapacaklari hareketleri, davranis sekillerini bu kadar mukemmel nasil yapabiliyorlar inanamadim. Ustelik hic durmadan.
Gandalf'i canli izlemek. Mukemmeldi.

Tiyatro sonrasi siki bir yagmur disarida. Piccadillly Circus capcanli. Metro istasyonunu buluyor ve Guildford'a donuse geciyorum.


Utkan stopped by Guildford, today. After all, I had several trips to London; he must have wondered what Guildford looks like. He didn't enjoy Guildford's train station, though, but I guess he liked the city to an extend. We walked through North Street and High Street for several times, up and down and up... And of course we went through the alleys connecting these two streets of Guildford towncentre. We have been planning to share a flat, so we searched the web to answer this question: is it plausible? But 2 hours of browsing did not answer that... Utkan had the idea of going to Blackpool for a trade fair, and decided to leave in the evening, and I followed him all the way to London :P Well, after all, it is a Saturday night.

On the train to London, I already knew what to do there: Go to a theatre. I even knew which one. It is the Royal Haymarket Theatre in Piccadilly. Having arrived to the theatre at 7:00 pm was quite lucky, because the show I wanted to see was at 7:30pm. I got the most affordable ticket of £16. The salesman made me a favor and booked a better seat for that price :)

Name of the show: Waiting for Godot
The Cast: Ian McKellen, ...

The theatre was a little small and of old-style, yet it had a fabulous decoration. After passing through tunnel-like corridors I found my seat at the mid-section of the audience chamber, called the Royal Circle. I heard people speaking French at the back rows, and the guys next to me had a hard English accent, which I thought was a local one; I couldn't get which locality it was, though.

I was only 6-8 meters away from the stage: this was far closer than I imagined.
I was extremely excited, because I was about to watch the Gandalf of The Lord of the Rings and Magneto of X-Men. And the play started... Ian McKellen was just there, standing in front of me. There were 4 main players and a small boy who appeared for a few minutes. Their performance was incredible. The play has two parts of 1 hour each. That means, the players are on the stage for an hour non-stop. It was amazing to see how these talented people memorize what to say and do so brilliantly. And it was wonderful to watch Gandalf!

After the show, a thick rain salutes me outside. Yet, Piccadilly Circus was so alive, full of people. Then, I made my way to the underground station towards Waterloo and finally Guildford.